Four Ways to Support Your Mitochondria
When people say they want to become healthier and live a better lifestyle. There are many ways people say they plan on doing it. Very rarely would someone mention they want to improve or support their mitochondria health.
The mitochondria are not the first thing to come to mind, but it is a vital part of our body system. If you need reminding, the mitochondria produce most of the energy in the human body. If you are looking to support your mitochondria this article will surely help you do that.
There are a few ways that you can support your mitochondria, and there are a few questions that need to be answered. One question that needs to be asked is, how much coq 10 should I take? This will be answered in our first step in finding the right supplements.
The next two steps in supporting your mitochondria are incorporating daily exercise, and consuming high antioxidants foods. The last way is fasting, which has proved to be an excellent way in helping your mitochondria function better.
Find the Right Supplements
It seems the popularity of supplements grows every year. Now you can see commercials for supplement brands on tv. This is because of the versatility and convenience they provide to customers.
Supplements can come in various forms, usually as a powder or a pill. You can take them at any time during the day, and there are many brands to choose from. Although, this can also be a bad thing. The wrong supplements can be harmful to your body, especially if you take too much or you are allergic to one of the ingredients.
When picking a supplement it is important to do your research before purchasing and know all the ingredients. To support your mitochondria it is best to find a supplement that incorporates coq 10. Coq 10 is a natural antioxidant the body creates that protects the mitochondria from toxins and free radicals. The great perk of coq 10 is that it only takes 10 mg a day to start seeing results after a while of use.
Are You Daily Exercising?
Consistent exercise is known to improve many body functions, not only how you look on the outside. This also applies to the mitochondria, the energy your body exerted during exercise causes your body to produce more oxygen. Causing the mitochondria to work harder and produce more.
Your mitochondria grow stronger with your daily exercise, it helps keep your muscles active during the workout. The increase in blood flow allows your muscles to grow stronger and have the ability to go for longer periods of time.
Are You Consuming High Antioxidant Foods?
When changing your diet, there are a couple of ways you can go to support your mitochondria. The best way involves consuming nutrient-rich foods that will help fuel your mitochondria health.
The good foods that you want should contain high amounts of antioxidants. These antioxidants help protect and prevent harm to your mitochondria. Artichokes, raspberries, and kale are three foods that are high in antioxidants. If you need a little something more to work with, even some dark chocolate contains a good amount of antioxidants.
Antioxidants is a substance the body can make naturally but that does not mean it is enough. Especially those with specific illnesses may be deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Having an antioxidant-rich diet can help you defeat those free radicals that enter the body.
There are some foods that you should stay away from as well. Sugary food and those with carbohydrates should be limited in your diet. Too much sugar in the body can be hard for you to break down. Causing the extra sugar to be stored as fat. Mitochondria also function better on a low carbohydrate diet, so staying away from foods that contain starch, whole grains, and pesticides.
Have You Tried Fasting?
To be clear fasting will not be for everyone, when fasting it is important to check with your doctor if it is right for you. If fasting is done right, your body does a reset and helps the mitochondria become stronger.
We know the mitochondria have many functions, but the main one is producing energy for the body. If intermittent fasting is done correctly it is said to improve energy production and function. Intermittent fasting is when you consume food for a period of time that restricts calories and then another period where you are not restricted.
Then there is regular fasting, which usually requires you to go without food for longer periods of time, that could be 24 hours. These fasting periods sometimes allow you to drink but not consume food. There are so many other fasting types but it is important to consult with a doctor and do your research before doing so.
It is important to know that you cannot improve your mitochondria without letting go of some bad habits. Whether you are eating bad foods or not staying active, consistent neglect of your body can cause serious health issues.
It is better to prevent than react to a health scare for you or someone you love. Following these tips may help you in the future create a healthier lifestyle. It starts with finding the right supplement for you. Preferably one that contains coq 10.
You should find a consistent workout routine, and combine that with a high antioxidant diet. Keep that list of foods you need to eat and those you stay away from. Lastly, you can try fasting, which already stated is not for everyone. Although it could be a great option for those that are able. Make sure to consult your doctor if you plan on trying this option, or have previous health issues.