Most crypto assets are subject to high volatility of the market. That is the reason why digital assets are so popular among traders. If you know how the market changes and what to expect from the asset’s price next, you can generate a profit in the long term or on a daily basis.
There are also crypto assets that are not subject to volatility or just a little bit. Those assets are stablecoins. Such coins as Tether and USD Coin are meant for hedging risks in trading and secure currency transfers. For example, it is much simpler to convert dollars to USDT and send them to any point on the globe in a couple of seconds rather than use bank services for money transfers.
A relatively new but promising platform that enables stablecoins trading is Curve finance. Let's tal about it.
What are Curve and CRV cryptocurrency?
Curve is a market marking platform that provides liquidity for trading assets. The platform’s users can add ERC-20 tokens and increase its liquidity, and in return, receive CRV as a reward. The beauty of AMM platforms is the fact that there is always liquidity for trading assets, so you don’t need to wait until someone wants to buy your tokens. Transactions occur fast and at low fees. Participants that provide liquidity (tokens) to the Curve platform receive fees. Fees are collected from those traders who make transactions on the platform using its liquidity.
The CRV token serves as motivation providers of liquidity. The token’s supply is 1,3 billion. When the tokens are allocated among providers, the number will rise to 3,03 billion.
The price of the token is determined by the math formula, which is changed by liquidity pools to optimize for various purposes.
The CRV coin is allocated as follows:
- 62% — liquidity providers;
- 30% — shareholders (2-4 years);
- 5% — community;
- 3% — developers.
CRV is listed on large crypto platforms so you can easily find it on the WhiteBIT exchange. To buy the token, create an account and put some funds in it. That may be fiat or crypto assets - how you wish. Then open the crypto converter and enter the data you have - your assets and their amount and CRV. The relevant price for CRV will be displayed right there. Pay the fee (0,1%), and you will receive CRV crypto in your account.