Users can improve their life experiences via simple Ho'oponopono healing techniques that are entirely free of cost
In today's fast paced world, stress and anxiety are at their peak. Such factors have an adverse impact on the mind and body, resulting in negative energies and various diseases. While medicines are available and are effective, most of these can only provide symptomatic relief. For a more thorough healing, we need a more holistic healing system. That is where Ho'oponopono can be quite useful.
What Is Ho'oponopono?
Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian prayer of healing that focuses on accepting one's mistakes, asking for forgiveness, expressing gratitude and loving unconditionally. It is an age-old technique of holistic healing similar to various other ancient healing systems. These healing techniques have existed long before modern medicine was invented. The basic meaning of the word 'Ho'oponopono' is "to make right". Ho'o translates into 'to make', whereas pono means 'right’. Pono is used twice because it refers to the healing of both the individual and other people.
How Ho'oponopono works?
The Ho'oponopono prayer system of healing comprises four primary pillars, as described below.
I am sorry (Accepting mistakes) - The first step towards healing is to accept one's mistakes. Humans are not programmed to be 100% accurate, which is why we often end up making mistakes. In the heat of the moment, we might have said or done bad things. When we apologize, negative energies are released instantly. It is to note that one needs to genuinely feel sorry rather than just speak out the words.
Please forgive me (Seeking forgiveness) - The next step under Ho'oponopono is to ask for forgiveness. This has to be done without any expectations of being forgiven. It is up to the universe to decide whether and when forgiveness will be granted.
Thank you (Expressing gratitude) - People usually focus on things they do not have and forget completely about things they already have. This also leads to negative emotions such as frustration, anger, jealousy, etc. Saying thank you for things one already has can help eliminate the negative energies. The feeling of gratitude is essential for holistic healing.
I love you (Loving unconditionally) - When life does not work the way we want it to, it leads to negative emotions like hatred. We need to focus on loving life unconditionally, even in the most difficult situations.
What are the benefits of Ho'oponopono?
With Ho'oponopono, users can get rid of negative energies and emotions. These are the root causes of various mental and physical health conditions. By practicing Ho'oponopono, users can reduce stress, anxiety and depression, boost physical health, resolve conflicts, improve relationships and better understand our inner self. Based on the concept of faith, Ho'oponopono improves our inner strength. It works like a reset button that gets rid of all forms of malice and darkness in our lives. With regular practice of Ho'oponopono, we can emerge wiser and gain access to real happiness and long-lasting peace.
For best results, Ho'oponopono has to be integrated into our lives as a habit. To achieve that, we need to repeat the prayers several times daily. Note that it takes around 21 days for a habit to become a part of our subconscious mind. Once we reach that stage, we can unlock the full benefits of Ho'oponopono.