In line with its digitization strategy, the government has provided a seamless process to apply for Voter ID card online
To benefit all stakeholders, the government is bringing more and more of its services via online platforms. A relevant example is the voter ID card also known as the Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC). If you want to utilize the power of your vote, you need to have a voter ID card or EPIC number. Let us take a look at how to apply for Voter ID card online.
Who is eligible for Voter ID card?
Before you apply for voter ID card online, you need to check your eligibility. To get a voter ID card, you need to fulfill the following conditions.
- You should be a citizen of India.
- You should be 18 years or more at the time of the qualifying date. The qualifying date is when the electoral role is revised. It is usually 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October.
- You should be an ordinary resident of the constituency for which you are going to be enrolled.
- You should not have any disqualification that may prevent you from being enrolled as an elector.
If you satisfy all the above conditions, you can go ahead and apply for voter ID card online.
How to apply for voter ID card online?
There are different forms for applying for voter ID card online. Let us take a look at various voter ID card forms and when they need to be used.
- Form 6 - This is to be used for the registration of new voters.
- Form 6A - This is meant for overseas electors (NRIs) who are citizens of India and have not acquired any foreign citizenship.
- Form 8 - This form can be used for various purposes. For example, replacement of voter ID card, making corrections in voter ID card and shifting of residence. Form 8 is also used for marking of PwD (Person with disability).
For all these forms, you will have to provide all the relevant details such as your name, address, date of birth, etc. If you have Aadhaar card, you can also mention that in the form in the relevant field provided. You need to make some uploads as well such as your photograph, proof of date of birth and proof of residence. For a voter with disability, the disability certificate needs to be uploaded.
Once you have provided all the details, you need to submit the form online. Your form and uploaded documents will be checked and verified. It may take a few days or weeks to process your voter ID card application. If you have entered all the details correctly, you will get the voter ID card delivered to the address provided. The entire process can also be done offline. You can download the relevant form, fill it up and submit it to the electoral office in your area.
You can use this link to apply for voter ID card online - This can also be used to file any complaint or share suggestions. Always remember that exercising your right to vote is not just a privilege but also a responsibility.